Client: CBS Board of Management
Architect: KOBW Architects
Value: €11,500,000
Location: Wexford
Description: The project is for the demolition of a large proportion of the existing Secondary School, the construction of a new main teaching block, new PE Hall and the renovation and extension, including link buildings, to the remaining Secondary and Primary school Buildings (800 pupils plus), with both schools remaining live throughout.
Demolish part of the existing single storey post primary school building, the existing P.E. Hall, the existing bicycle shelter and two existing prefabricated buildings; to provide a single storey prefabricated temporary accommodation building with 19 classrooms, offices, toilets and ancillary spaces for the duration of the construction works, reducing to 12 classrooms for the latter stages of the works.
The construction of extensions to the remaining portion of the post primary school (both single storey and two storey); the construction of a new stand-alone P.E. Hall (1089sq.m); the construction of a single storey link extension to the primary school; making improvements to the existing vehicular entrance to the post primary school and providing a new vehicular entrance to the primary school; and the demolition of part of the existing front boundary wall and the redesign of the boundary treatments generally.